The Jeweler’s Daughter

There once was a newcomer that needed to make a living and provide for his family, his culture as do many dictate this responsibility to the male.  The jeweler began waiting tables in an Asian restaurant back in the 1960s making ends meet for his young family while exploring creative ways to sustain in a new land.  Later on moving to another part of the promise land and working in assembly lines while availing himself into small business opportunities due to diligence and determination beginning as a door-to-door jeweler  on his journey to La Llave de Oro. More

Hangover honey…

My beehive has been fully pollinating as of late and the honeycomb was in full effect recently; transitions of all sorts, adjustments and the hustle of life for this analog girl in a digital world pushed me to my outer limits.  Yes, spring has sprung and the busyness factor can be overwhelming to say the least, but let’s put it in perspective.  We go against our natural energy to complete these tasks, responsibilities, some of which may be a vision or goal. So rock on, take it to the limit!  By now, if you have read along, you must realize my idea of slowing us down some lives, because many times, certainly, you might ask yourself, what is the purpose of this rush, is it the hangover part we are striving for?  Hmmmm … or shall I just buzz around. More

Abuelito lindo

I feel honored to have had grandparents well into my adult life, mi abuelito lived to the ripe age of 96 and his loss was both difficult and inspiring.  The gratitude for his presence in my life is one that brings me emotion on every level.  When I think of the fact that he arrived to the United States at the age of 59 in part by choice in, and in part by feeling that there was no other choice at the time.  Starting over is part of life for all of us, yes, but during that era to think of moving his family and his own roots is always amazing to me and yet it was a privilege to have this opportunity. More