Rice & Beans

I love arroz con frijoles negros, infact I was raised on this dish I can say pretty much the bulk of my childhood.  It is a staple in my world and I have transferred this tradition to my children.  The thing is, white rice and black beans are not appealing to lots of folks who may be trying it for the first time.  It is not a sophisticated looking meal, but if made with all the right, ingredients, it is delicious, nutritious and really simple. More

Abuelito lindo

I feel honored to have had grandparents well into my adult life, mi abuelito lived to the ripe age of 96 and his loss was both difficult and inspiring.  The gratitude for his presence in my life is one that brings me emotion on every level.  When I think of the fact that he arrived to the United States at the age of 59 in part by choice in, and in part by feeling that there was no other choice at the time.  Starting over is part of life for all of us, yes, but during that era to think of moving his family and his own roots is always amazing to me and yet it was a privilege to have this opportunity. More


Where would we be without dreams? I pose this question in all seriousness moved by a spiritual leader & inspirational mentor Martin Luther King Jr. who would have celebrated his 83rd birthday on this day. We commemorate the work of this non-violent warrior, who in times of intense political warfare in the areas of race and equality had the courage, passion, conviction and valor to speak truth within hostility, opposition and inhumanity.   Does it seem right that because of this he lost his life? More

Make It Personal

Making life personal is what colors our world, awakens spirit, and brings us home.

In the typical day of hustle bustle, the idea of personal connection may at times dissipate.  Most humans have the need to connect with others, but have difficulty due to various elements including identity, culture, persona, fear, language, timing… the list is endless.  The distinctive instant of making a moment personal will generate a series of emotions that can fluctuate on the scale of positively fabulous or sadly disheartening.  The middle ground may be where most land. More

Everyday New

New year of resolutions, beginnings, changes; it is all good.   I am an advocate on changing things that do not fit, do not work, are not growing, and are not compatible and so on.  A pair of jeans or shoes that you shimmy into but make you feel less than fabulous must go; the iron or toaster that that does not heat up must be recycled or replaced.  A garden filled with weeds must be tilled so that blossoms will appear.  An automobile that does not switch gears with ease may not to be worth a new clutch.  And a friend or mate that takes the life force out of you needs to be reassessed or possibly removed. Seems easy enough right? Well why does change seem to come with resistance for so many of us?
