Hangover honey…

My beehive has been fully pollinating as of late and the honeycomb was in full effect recently; transitions of all sorts, adjustments and the hustle of life for this analog girl in a digital world pushed me to my outer limits.  Yes, spring has sprung and the busyness factor can be overwhelming to say the least, but let’s put it in perspective.  We go against our natural energy to complete these tasks, responsibilities, some of which may be a vision or goal. So rock on, take it to the limit!  By now, if you have read along, you must realize my idea of slowing us down some lives, because many times, certainly, you might ask yourself, what is the purpose of this rush, is it the hangover part we are striving for?  Hmmmm … or shall I just buzz around. More

One Pot Love: Soup

It does not have to be chilly for me to enjoy soup.  In fact, most days, I prefer to have a cup of hot, fragrant and savory soup because of the feeling of home that comes with the consumption of this one pot meal.  As a child, the primary soup in my life was, as for many, sopa de pollo.  I learned to make chicken soup by watching my grandmother in the kitchen, making the broth and chopping the onions, garlic, carrots, and parsley; adding salt and pepper to taste and experiencing joy when the process was complete and the ladle met my bowl. More

De todo un poco …

As a young girl loving dance and performance, I danced through much of my free time back then with my Sony Walkman or the jukebox style stereo I had in my room with a disco ball listening to songs mi mama thought to be inappropriate and, in retrospect, the lyrics were so loving and uplifting in comparison to some of what our current generation is exposed to, but I am not going there today. Like many other girls, I had an aspiration to dance and move my body healthily, representing a message of some compelling music.

While enrolled in classical ballet, I imagined combining salsa, mambo y rumba with my plies and tandus, however that was not what I was there for.  I was there to learn a technique and I loved to go every Sunday like clockwork.  My teacher was beautiful and I admired her grace, strength, and dedication.
