Abuelito lindo

I feel honored to have had grandparents well into my adult life, mi abuelito lived to the ripe age of 96 and his loss was both difficult and inspiring.  The gratitude for his presence in my life is one that brings me emotion on every level.  When I think of the fact that he arrived to the United States at the age of 59 in part by choice in, and in part by feeling that there was no other choice at the time.  Starting over is part of life for all of us, yes, but during that era to think of moving his family and his own roots is always amazing to me and yet it was a privilege to have this opportunity. More

Cubanismo: Circular or Linear

My dear friend and I were having breakfast a few years ago and, as I was sharing some of my personal reflections, she identified herself as a linear person. I felt honored to be in her presence because I am completely circular … which is why the inspirational moment of being in a room full of Cubans drives my blog post this week. (I promise to continue additional reflections on last week’s post in the coming weeks.)

This past week, I was fortunate enough to visit Galeria Cubana, an art gallery that exhibits work of current day artists from La Perla de las Antillas. The artists were visiting Boston and were at the gallery, and from the minute I arrived, our culture became our connection. Amongst the mingle and the camaraderie were moments of joy and laughter. The room filled with exuberance, as though we had all known each other for a lifetime. In essence, that is what it feels like when people come together in a community with like-mindedness about a specific love of life, whether it is a goal or passion. The vivacity of the unity outweighs whatever else is happening at the time.


Espresso Love

So yes, I must admit, my love of yoga is supplemented by my love of espresso.  There is no question that I could ever live without either.  I tried for a while not to drink mi cortadito (espresso with raw sugar, micro foam) or mi cafe con leche, (espresso with milk) but it just was not me.  So I chose to live authentically.  This is what I love, so why resist? Besides, Cuban girl does yoga, and the stereotype of this is hysterical within the confines of my own family.  Ommming all the way home. More