Hangover honey…

My beehive has been fully pollinating as of late and the honeycomb was in full effect recently; transitions of all sorts, adjustments and the hustle of life for this analog girl in a digital world pushed me to my outer limits.  Yes, spring has sprung and the busyness factor can be overwhelming to say the least, but let’s put it in perspective.  We go against our natural energy to complete these tasks, responsibilities, some of which may be a vision or goal. So rock on, take it to the limit!  By now, if you have read along, you must realize my idea of slowing us down some lives, because many times, certainly, you might ask yourself, what is the purpose of this rush, is it the hangover part we are striving for?  Hmmmm … or shall I just buzz around. More

Receive, restore

One of the greatest gifts we have is receiving, why is it at times difficult to receive compliments, gestures or kindness from others?  When you arrive at the place where you are able to accept words that make your day, acknowledge acts that open your heart and experience once in lifetime moments, an untouchable force will allow you to live each day fuller, to heal, to love and to remember self. More

Entering the uncomfort zone

What is your level of tolerance for discomfort?  Do you know? Or do you ignore the signs and live with it everyday without recognizing it?  Is it out of habit?  Many people live in pain when they can step outside of it, while some think that suffering is the only way to live because it makes others happy.  Or does it?  We become comfortable in situations that do not deliver full potential or daily joy.  Sometimes we stay in these circumstances for a lifetime.  Sometimes we think it is the only way to survive because we refuse to live outside of our comfort zone. More

Let go, let love

We often wonder, each and every one of us, which is better, to be with someone or to be alone; but, that is the question. Now, reality will have us thinking that we need to be part of a duo, but in our hearts, the only way a duo will work is if we are able to be a solo…ironic no?  We long to be with someone, yet we yearn for independence, this is the way it goes. More


There are so many things that happen in our lives that make us feel as though we may have been able to do them differently.  Forgiveness is among the elite in this list of areas that we might change.  At times, we are presented with a challenge that perpetuates a decision that we allow to make us feel inadequate, careless, or simply dim.


The Centerpiece

Thanksgiving is a lovely holiday created symbolically around a gathering of traditions, uniting cultures amongst significant differences.  The concept that food would create an ambience of exploration and friendship has carried many into inviting this tradition into their heart and physically into their homes.  When you arrive to the United States, you are drenched in a variety of holidays and traditions that are typically not a part of what you were accustomed to in your homeland.  However, you embrace what is being offered and meld what you might bring to the table. More

Fruits of Love…

There is something about produce that makes my heart sing, my soul fill, and my smile beam.  It is often the case that when I go to my favorite farmers market, local grocer or farm stand, I become enamored by, yes, produce! Often, the idea of getting there early to see the variety of apples and greens is therapeutic, soothing, and peaceful. Roaming the aisles brings on a sense of freedom that feeds creativity, encouragement, and love. Sharp senses are stimulated by the variety of colors, smells, and textures.  Many times, my family wonders about my ritual to mindfully wash and arrange fruit in different bowls and such in our home.  I cannot explain it completely, but the healing effects are emotive, and that is the beauty of it. More