Lonely, maybe … Alone, No

When in flight, literally on a trip, we may experience turbulence.  It may bring you to a panic thinking the worst is ahead, it may also be an opportunity to take some deep breaths and realize that it is temporary and destiny will define the moment.  Have you ever felt frightened or threatened by something or someone? How do you handle it? More

Healing Agents

As time passes in our lives we realize the importance of growing, learning, forgiveness, loving and connection.  Many of these experiences come to fruition after healing occurs, it is when we begin to accept ourselves and the life we are living that we realize therapeutic healing is necessary in order to move on, in order to make amends and to forgive while we bond to whom or what we really need.  Hopefully what we learn is that we need to depend on ourselves in order to create healthy relationships and not expect that someone else is responsible for that indispensable element.  At times, this requires a healing agent or un curandero/curandera. More

Oxygen Warrior

Have you ever felt like life is squeezing your lungs so tight that it feels challenging to breathe?  Or maybe the injury you have suffered from for decades occasionally pops back into your life to remind you to take it easy.  How about the scent that milk leaves when you leave it heating up on the stove and spills over while you wonder how you let that happen when you thought you were being so vigilant?  What about the annoying bug bite that feels like you need to scratch it constantly? More